Yoga flow is a dynamic form of yoga in which the postures are sequenced and linked together in a smooth and continuous manner. The movements are coordinated with the breath, and the transitions are seamless. By practicing yoga flow, you can raise your body temperature, expend a lot of energy and invigorate your body.




This class is designed to awaken and strengthen your muscles, enhance your flexibility, and optimize the functionality of your movements. It involves simple exercises such as Pilates, yoga and conscious breathing techniques. This gentle morning class will activate your muscles, oxygenate your body and boost your basal metabolism.

This class is perfect for those who want to increase their energy levels, promote weight loss and enhance mental alertness through physical activity.



Hatha yoga is the oldest form of yoga and serves as the foundation for almost all the yoga styles practised today. It is a dynamic type of yoga in which the postures are performed sequentially, with transitional movements that are integrated and synchronized with the breath. A yoga flow session allows you to raise your body temperature and expend a lot of energy, which can help to invigorate your body.




Yoga Nidra is a form of active meditation practiced while lying on the floor in the Savasana posture without any physical exercise. This practice is transformative and leads to an immediate sense of letting go. As the body enters a state of deep relaxation, peace sets in, and the mind expands its horizons, which is the starting point for making lasting, positive changes in our lives.

This ancient practice allows us to boost our energy levels, alter our habits, enhance our sleep quality, and live in accordance with our deepest aspirations.


Yin & Yang Yoga

(moderate and low intensity)

This yoga class will begin with a Vinyasa (yang) practice, focusing on movement and dynamic posture sequences in harmony with the breath. After this, the class will move on to a gentler section that includes yin and restorative yoga postures, supported and held for extended periods. In this class, we aim to balance postural work that strengthens muscles with relaxation of the nervous system and deep tissues.

Toning and postural correction

(low intensity)

This class is designed for individuals suffering from back pain caused by muscular tension or injury, such as herniated discs. It offers a gentle workout where all the postures are performed safely. Specifically, the class focuses on enhancing the mobility of the spine and joints, including the hip and shoulder joints, while also strengthening the abdominal muscles. This class is highly recommended for those who spend long hours sitting in front of a computer.




Regenerative yoga is a gentle practice that involves holding relaxing postures for one to a few minutes. During this practice, accessories are often used to support the body. By using slow, deep breathing and mindfulness techniques, this type of yoga can balance the nervous system, which is beneficial for those who experience anxiety. It is recommended that you wear warm and comfortable clothing to make the practice more enjoyable.



Hatha yoga is considered the oldest form of yoga and forms the basis of almost all modern styles. A gentle Hatha yoga session typically involves a combination of breathing exercises, varied postures, and moments of relaxation. All the postures are practiced progressively and harmoniously with slow, deep breathing. Hatha yoga suits everyone, including those with joint pain and those seeking a general sense of relaxation.



Flow and Stretch Yoga is a series of poses that combines slow and moderate-pace movements with longer holds to promote deep stretching. This session is suitable for individuals interested in building muscular strength and flexibility.


Floor Pilates

Floor Pilates

(moderate to high intensity)

Floor Pilates is a type of exercise that involves dynamic movements performed on the floor. Each movement is coordinated with a breathing pattern. This training method aims to strengthen the muscles around the spine and improve posture, mobility and stability. Pilates is commonly used in rehabilitation to alleviate back pain. Various accessories, such as balls, elastic bands and massage rollers, can be incorporated to add variety and make the workout more challenging.

Fitness circuit

Fitness circuit

(moderate to high intensity)

Fitness circuits are functional exercises performed consecutively, usually at different stations. The equipment used in these circuits includes free weights, Swiss balls and elastics, among others. The sessions are diverse and dynamic and change weekly, making them suitable for those looking to lose weight or get back in shape and seasoned athletes. Mobility circuits are an excellent way to build muscle strength and improve both muscular and cardiovascular endurance.

Our fitness circuits are supervised by kinesiologists in small groups of 4 or fewer.



(low to moderate intensity)

Qigong is a gentle form of gymnastics that integrates movement, posture and breathing. Created in China in the 5th century, Qigong was inspired by Taoist longevity gymnastics.

The emphasis is mastering the breath as a vehicle for vital energy, a meditative support for greater body awareness.

This class is tailored to each individual's physical condition and can help stimulate the body's vitality, relieve stress and improve breathing capacity.


  • Improved range of movement, suppleness and flexibility
  • Increased muscular strength and endurance
  • Relief and reduction of back and neck pain
  • Improved lung capacity
  • Regulation of blood pressure
  • Reduced stress
  • Relieves anxiety
  • Stimulation of brain function

*Huffington Post article listing links to several scientific studies:


Line Godbout, Qigong and Yoga teacher

Line Godbout is a certified Yoga teacher (with over 800 hours of training) and a Tuina massage therapist (with over 1000 hours of training). Her practice includes Neigong, Qigong, Gongfu, Bagua, and Yoga.

In 2006, I was introduced to the internal martial arts of Neigong, Qigong, and Tai Chi. These practices provide a stable foundation to recharge one's batteries and promote physical and mental stability. These disciplines opened the door to a vast universe unknown to me then. I realized I had a whole new potential to develop and achieve a new vision of health.

In 2010, I became curious about the different schools of thought related to yoga and was eager to learn more about the subject. I attended various courses, workshops, seminars, and retreats and soon understood and felt its benefits. I wanted to share my knowledge, so I completed several teacher training courses. Since then, I have been teaching yoga and continuing my apprenticeship under the guidance of masters.

I believe in precise teaching that considers the body as a whole, an intelligent vehicle capable of self-healing. I encourage my students to explore, experiment and discover the mechanics of their body and how energy circulates within it. I also emphasize the importance of practicing bodywork daily, which can be achieved through various approaches.

Line Godbout, Qigong and Yoga teacher

Maxime Lavoie, BSC kinesiologist

Maxime is an experienced personal trainer with almost 15 years of experience. He studied kinesiology at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, and later moved to Montreal to pursue his career. He worked as a supervising kinesiologist for seven years with the Nautilus Plus group and two years with the Institut Universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (IUGM). In 2010, he started working with the endocrinology clinic at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, where he established a kinesiology service. He works closely with doctors to help patients take control of their lives and regain their health.

Maxime is an enthusiastic and dedicated professional with experience working with diverse clients of various ages and physical abilities. Whether you need assistance with athletic preparation for a sporting event or getting back in shape, Maxime will keep you motivated throughout your journey.

Maxime Lavoie, BSC kinesiologist

Elisabeth Garreau, yoga and yoga Nidra teacher

Elisabeth has been practicing yoga regularly for over twenty years. At the age of 5, she discovered yoga with her grandmother, and in 2021, she graduated as a certified teacher with 200 hours of training from the Mile End Studio. Elisabeth specializes in yoga nidra from the Satyam Institute. She teaches both beginners and advanced students and respects each person's abilities. Her classes are designed to promote well-being and total relaxation.

Elisabeth Garreau, yoga and yoga Nidra teacher

Champa Cyr, professeure de yoga

As a graduate of the dance world, I devoted myself professionally to it for over ten years. It was only natural that I turned to yoga, fascinated by the search for balance between muscular strength and flexibility and the centrality of breathing. I have been teaching yoga and meditation since 2010. I have completed my teacher certification in Hatha Yoga and have taken several training courses. I specialize in restorative yoga, prenatal yoga and mother-baby yoga. I'm passionate about offering my students a safe space to gradually and confidently achieve synchronization between breathing, body awareness and meditation.

Champa Cyr, yoga teacher